ShangBurg (Buchtitel)

Anhand zahlreicher Beispiele werden Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen
China und Deutschland am Beispiel der Partnerstädte Shanghai und Hamburg beleuchtet.

Es wird beschrieben, wie beide Länder vom jeweils anderen Denkansatz und Vorgehensweisen lernen und profitieren können.

Ein Buchprojekt von Mark Krümke – August 2020

Miniature Auto Cars Shanghai

Shanghai is quite famous for being one of the major production hubs for automobiles in China. Mainly Volkswagen and General Motors cars are produced in Shanghai. Shanghai is also host of the F1 race track and a Car Museum.

But you can also buy car models, meaning realistic miniature cars  in Shanghai, Here are some places to buy miniature cars and autos:

Shanghai Dazhong Automotive Gift Company Limited

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Ausgefallene Autos in Shanghai

Shanghai ist eine sehr große Stadt mit über 20 Millionen Einwohnern. Und Shanghai ist eine moderne Stadt, man sagt das Wirtschaftszentrum von China (während das politische Zentrum in Beijing ist). Und Shanghai ist sehr reich. Und Shanghai hat eine Art “Wolfsburg” als Stadtteil, eine Autostadt, namens “Anting”. Und dort werden VWs gebaut. Und am anderen Ende der Stadt werden Buicks von GM gebaut. Und dann gibt es natürlich noch das Automuseum. Und viel wichtiger: eine F1 Renntrecke in der Form der Symbols Shang (aus dem Namen Shang Hai).

Fazit: Shanghai hat viel mit Autos zu tun !

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Tomson Golf Villa Shanghai

Tomson Golf Villa (Simplified Chinese: 汤臣高尔夫别墅, PinYin: Tāng chén gāo’ěrfū biéshù) often just called Tang Chen Golf, is a very popular apartment and villa compound in Pudong amongst expats and wealthy Chinese living in Shanghai.

Tomson Golf Villa Shanghai is one of the older villa and apartment compounds

Located in Pudong (eastern part of), Shanghai and built in 1996 many buildings have already been completely re-decorated by their individual owners. Tomson Golf Villa is set around a golf course and many villas have a direct view onto the course. In total there are around 125 and 40 semi-detached villas as well a few apartment buildings on 133.000 square meters !!! Extensive garden areas make the compound particularly interesting for families with children.

A short video along the river outside Tomson and then inside the compound:

Tomson Golf Villa Shanghai is located on Longdong Da Dao. It is close to the Century Park and the popular Lian Yang and JinQIao Green City area. It is a 20 minute drive to Pudong Airport and it takes around 45 minutes to downtown by car.

Some of the facilities:

  • Clubhouse
  • 18-holes Golf Course
  • Indoor swimming pool
  • Gym
  • Tennis court
  • Basketball ground
  • Two children playgrounds

Chinese: 汤臣高尔夫别墅, 1龙东大道, 上海浦东
PinYin:   Tāng chén gāo’ěrfū biéshù
English: Tomson Golf Villa,  1 Long Dong Da Dao, Jinqiao, Pudong, Shanghai

In November 2014 there are around 30 units available for rent.

Have you lived or been to Tomson Golf Villa in Shanghai ? Leave a comment.

Gongqing Forest Park – best park in Shanghai

Best Park in Shanghai

Gongqing Park Bridge

In our opinion the Gongqing forest park is still the best park in Shanghai! For its trees, its groves, verdant forests and pretty lakes. Though there are the usual hordes, it’s big enough that you can find a shady spot to yourself. You can do what you want on the grass, though there are designated kite-flying areas, and there are barbecue pits (from 60RMB/four people up to 150RMB/ten people for two hours) with a shop for supplies.
Best Park in Shanghai

This is the best park in Shanghai

The park boasts too many activities to mention, from a loop-the-loop roller coaster (20RMB) and other classic rides (log flumes, pirate ships, etc) to airgun rifle shooting (10RMB/five bullets), rock climbing (20RMB), paintball (20RMB/five bullets), go karting (15RMB/lap) and a fun electronic toboggan ride (20RMB). They’ve added more activities including horseback riding (30RMB/person), rowing boat (40RMB/hr), cable sliding (60RMB for two), football field (200RMB/hr for 15 people; 400RMB/hr for 23 people) and fishing for free.

If you can’t bring yourself to leave, you can stay the night in one of the cabins at the Hongsen Forest Park Hotel (Rooms from 280RMB. Cabins from 580RMB). Just remember to bring your passport and plenty of food. Also note that no dogs allowed in the park.

Check the video:

ParkSize 131 hectares – Entry 15RMB – Opening Hours: 6am-5pm

Gongqing Forest Park 共青森林公园
2000 Jungong Lu 军工路2000号

Phone: 6574-0586

Do you think the Gongqing Forest Park is the best park in Shanghai ? Join the conversation and share your opinion !

Achala Fürth

Das “Achala” (Fränkisch für: Eichenwäldchen) befindet sich an der Kreuzung Ecke Stiftungs- und Hardtstrasse – zwischen der Billinganlage und der Hardthöhe in Fürth/Bayern.

Circa 1900

Eichenwäldchen 1900

Circa 1985

Eichenwäldchen Fürth

An dieser Kreuzung am “Achala” trafen sich zwischen ca. 1982 und ca. 1990 täglich 20, 30, manchmal 50 Freunde. Meistens traf man sich am frühen Abend, nach der Schule oder der Lehre, bevor man dann in verschiedenen kleineren Gruppen Richtung Disco oder Kneipe weiterzog oder den Abend einfach am Achala verbrachte. Die meisten Achala-Fans waren Motorrad- oder (noch) 80er Fahrer.

Kawasaki und Yamaha waren die Motorradmarken. Bei den 80ern waren es vor allem Hondas und Yamahas – ab und zu hat sich mal eine Hercules oder gar eine Zündapp ans Achala verirrt. Achala Fürth – heute “verkehrsberuhigt”, aber in den 80ern ein beliebter Treffpunkt in Fürth.

Das angeblich erste Bild vom Achala

Eichenwäldchen 1982

Das Bild wurde aber am Spielplatz in der Hardstraße und nicht direkt am Achala aufgenommen.

Wieviele Deutsche leben im Ausland ?

Ich hab´mich bei der letzten Wahl kurz geärgert, weil das mit der Briefwahl nicht geklappt hat –  muss aber gestehen, dass ich hier in Shanghai kaum jemanden kenne, bei dem es geklappt hätte. Die meisten wählen gleich gar nicht…

Mich hat in dem Zusammenhang interessiert: Wieviele Deutsche leben im Ausland ? Und bin dann von einem zum anderen gekommen.

Eine Zusammenfassung:

74.324.165 Deutsche Einwohner

davon 12.236.582 unter 18 Jahren (lt. Auskunft des Stat. Bundesamts)

62.087.583 Wahlberechtigte (Wikipedia)
61.903.903 (lt. Auskunft des Stat. Bundesamts)

davon ca. 32.000.000 Frauen
davon ca. 30.000.000 Männer
davon ca. 21.000.000 über 60
davon ca.  3.000.000 Erstwähler

44.330.000 Wähler (= 71.5% Wahlbeteiligung)

abzgl. 576.290 ungültige Stimmen (1.3% lt. Wikipedia)

43.753.710 gültige Stimmen

davon: 41.5% Union  
=  18.157.789 Deutsche haben CDU/CSU gewählt

Ergibt ca. 22,1 % aller Deutschen!

oder: 41.5% Union + 25.7% SPD
= 29.402.493 Deutsche haben CDU/SPD gewählt

Ergibt ca. 39.5 % aller Deutschen die eine Große Koalition gewählt haben!

Achja: In der Zahl der Wahlberechtigten sind 67 021 Deutsche enthalten, die im Ausland leben und auf Antrag in ein Wählerverzeichnis in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland eingetragen wurden (lt. Auskunft des Stat. Bundesamts). (Hmm, allein in Shanghai wohnen ca. 7 TSD Deutsche)

Die Antwort auf die Frage: “Wieviele Deutsche leben im Ausland?” habe ich aber immer noch nicht gefunden. Das Statistische Bundesamt schreibt dazu: “Die Zahl der deutschen Staatsbürger, die im Ausland wohnen, ist nicht bekannt.”

Book Review the art of thinking clearly by rolf dobelli

Let´s be straight about this: book reviews are in most cases a form of advertisement. Just like many websites only exist, for the sole purpose to direct you to some content in order to cream off an affiliate commission for sending you there. Book reviews intend the same by making a potential reader interested (or by intention: the opposite) into buying a book
Dobelli BookThis is why book reviews usually do not tell you very much about the actual book content nor the conclusions/resolutions of the writer´s thought process.

My book review the art of thinking clearly by ralf dobelli is a bit different.

Lets start with the author. I had actually never heard of Rolf Dobelli before. One of my friends living in Germany recommended reading one of Dobelli´s books. He said that Dobelli was very popular in Germany recently and had made it onto some book bestseller lists.

I did a quick search on Amazon and randomly ordered one of his books and ended up with “the art of thinking clearly”.

The book is a quick read, actually I wouldn’t even describe it a real book in the regular sense. Thats the first problem: It is more like a LIST, than a real book (even though it has a book cover). A LIST ? Yes. Dobelli compiled a list of 99 – what he calls- cognitive biases or “thinking errors”. These 99 items are listed one after the other.

Well, we all know that lists are important in daily life: house wives use shopping lists so they don’t forget, what they wanted to buy (but then again, you always forget some items, because the most important product pops up while you are in the shower or jogging around lake Zurich).

So turning a simple list into a book, is already a bit daunting, or lets say Dobelli is testing his audience and wants to find out, what he can get away with.
(It reminds me of Tim Ferris 2nd book “the 4 Hour Body“ – but then again, Tim actually told everyone that he “compiled” the book for the sole reasons to prove a) he could “produce” a best-seller on -demand and b) make a lot of money with his compilation technique).

The good part : Dobelli condenses each cognitive bias into tight 2-3 pages so you just need a few hours to read the whole piece.

The disappointing part : I actually knew most of them already. (And I really don’t read many books, maybe I had just read the right/wrong ones.)

Whether one can classify these “thinking errors” as actual errors or whether they are just part of being a human being may be of some debate and a worthy question, which Dobelli can not or does not want to elaborate on.

So what are Dobellis conclusions ? The reader waits for the last 2-3 pages to find out that:

a) Dobelli, in his own daily life, just follows his instincts (so much for lists helping in daily life).
b) For big and important decisions though, he developed a “decision tree” based on his findings to guide him though his own thought process and help him make “better” decisions.
His “decision tree” could been something of interest and might be worth the price of the book, but then again: Dobelli disappoints once more: he doesn’t share it with his readers.

So when you finish Dobellis´s list of 99 thinking errors, you will not have found a real conclusion. When my spouse asked me what the book was about, I realized that I had already forgotten most of the “thinking errors”. Dobelli himself calls this the “recency effect” (the man actually has humor).

If, in any case, you are still interested in this topic, I recommend reading some of the original sources which cover 99% of Dobelli´s book:

• Daniel Kahnemann: Thinking, fast and slow
• Nassim Taleb: The Black Swan (and other books)
• Peter Gruber: Tell to Win
• Rolf F. Baumeister and John Tierney: WILLPOWER
• Robert Levine: A Geography of Time

If psychology is not your hobby, I suggest to avoid this book altogether. You wont find any unique new ideas, nor valuable conclusions of any kind.
Its just a list.

So in the end I agree with Nicholas Taleb who supposedly advised Dobelli not to publish this book under any circumstances ! Thanks Mr. Dobelli for sharing that piece of information with your readers in the “acknowledgements” section on page 313 (which by the way is the car license plate number of Donald Duck and may be of similar importance as the 99 errors).

Have your read the book ? Any thoughts on this book review the art of thinking clearly ?

Are you still interested in this topic ? Then you might as well read the list of “cognitive biases” on Wikipedia.